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Publications au sujet de l'Obésité et le Diabète

Oeuvres du Pr Alain Golay, Conférences et Événements

Blog: publications et nouvelles

Apprendre à mourir

Apprendre à mourir

Deux points de vue très différents mais complémentaires. Comment accepter la mort, se préparer, partir? Réponses philosophiques et démarches pratiques.

Effectiveness of therapeutic patient education interventions for chronic diseases: A systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials

Effectiveness of therapeutic patient education interventions for chronic diseases: A systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials

Evidence has shown that therapeutic patient education (TPE) interventions are effective in improving a range of biomedical and psychological outcomes for a variety of chronic disorders. This has been demonstrated in scores of randomized controlled and evidence-synthesis studies. However, no quantitative evidence has been published so far on the content and effective teaching strategies in TPE programs. The present systematic review and meta-analysis aim to bridge this gap by answering the who, what, and how of TPE programs. By Pr Alain Golay and other international references.

Evolution of Therapeutic Patient Education: A Systematic Scoping Review and Scientometric Analysis

Evolution of Therapeutic Patient Education: A Systematic Scoping Review and Scientometric Analysis

A total of 54,533 articles published in English language were analyzed to identify influential funders, regions, and institutes contributing to TPE. Besides these, significant theoretical and empirical contributions that shaped this field were mapped. Our analysis revealed several important insights. Research led and published by a team composed of the international references in ETP : Pr Alain Golay, Jorge César Correia, Ahmed Waqas, Isabelle Aujoulat, Melanie J. Davies, Jean-Philippe Assal, Zoltan Pataky

Vers une Médecine plus Humaniste

Vers une Médecine plus Humaniste

Publié par la Révue Médicale Suisse - le 25 janvier 2023  La déshumanisation de la médecine Par le Pr André Giordan et le Pr Alain Golay La médecine a évolué vers de plus en plus de technicité et le classique triangle hippocratique « le patient, la maladie et le...